With Joy: A Lenten Reflection on Chapter 49 of the Rule of Saint Benedict 
a reflection by Fr. Benet Phillips, O.S.B. '87


Lent is a sacred time of renewal, an invitation to enter more deeply into the mystery of Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection. Saint Benedict’s guidance in Chapter 49 reminds us that Lent is not merely about external practices but about interior transformation. He urges his monks—and by extension, all of us—to willingly and joyfully embrace sacrifice, prayer, and self-denial as a way to grow closer to God.

Saint Benedict asks each person to "offer God something beyond the normal measure of his service." This could be fasting, extra time in prayer, or acts of charity. The key is not how much we do but the disposition of our hearts—our sacrifices should be freely given, not done out of obligation or for human praise. This reminds us to approach Lent with love and sincerity, not merely as a checklist of duties.

Benedict speaks of "refraining from excessive talking, from idle words, from food and drink," emphasizing fasting not only of the body but also of the mind and tongue. True fasting is not just about food; it includes letting go of distractions, negativity, and anything that distances us from God. How can we fast in a way that purifies our hearts and deepens our faith?

A striking aspect of this chapter is the encouragement to embrace Lent "with the joy of the Holy Spirit" rather than as a burden. Sacrifices should not be made begrudgingly but as a loving response to God’s grace. When we approach Lent with a willing heart, it transforms from a season of mere obligation into a time of joyful anticipation of Easter.

Saint Benedict’s Rule is deeply practical. While monks live a structured life of prayer and work, his wisdom applies to everyone: Lent is not about grand gestures but about small, faithful acts of love, discipline, and humility. What small but meaningful offering can we make this Lent that will bring us closer to Christ?

As we journey through Lent, let us ask ourselves:

  • What is one thing I can offer to God with love and joy this season?
  • How can I practice fasting beyond food—perhaps in speech, use of social media, distractions, or impatience?
  • Am I embracing Lent as a burden or as a pathway to deeper intimacy with Christ?

May this Lent be a time of joyful renewal, where our sacrifices become gifts of love, drawing us nearer to the heart of God. 

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