2021 10 Under 10 Recipient Kat Bourque '14

Kat BourqueKat is the Director of Government Affairs for Unitil, an electric and natural gas utility that serves areas in New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Maine. She leads the company’s government affairs strategy by helping to craft their public policy goals and serves as the company’s lead lobbyist. She works with legislators and industry peers to draft legislation, proactively engage members of state legislatures, and testifies and represents the company during these key processes.

Prior to her current role, Kat served as Director of Public Policy in the energy and environmental arenas at the Business and Industry Association, and was also on staff at the New Hampshire Senate for several years. Kat graduated from Saint Anselm College with a B.A. in International Relations. Additionally, she graduated from Suffolk University Law School with her J.D. and is an active member of the New Hampshire Bar and the U.S. District Court for the State of New Hampshire. 
