Mission Makers
December 17, 2020
By: Father Benet Phillips, O.S.B.
I think it is safe to say that 2020 is like no other year. So much has changed. We’ve had to pivot and then just when we thought we were safe, we had to pivot again. There have been moments of anxiety, grief, fear, frustration, but I hope sprinkled among those moments were some laughs, some happy thoughts , some good times. Challenging times reveal the importance of community. As a fundamental value of Anselmian life, community is even more critical now.
In this edition of Mission Makers, we depart from our usual format of highlighting an individual who has made the mission of Saint Anselm College come alive, but instead honor all those women and men who have made our world safer, better, kinder. Men and women who day in and day out put their lives in harm’s way so that we can feel a bit more secure. We honor and thank all those Anselmians who by living the mission of the college, who by leading lives that are creative and generous, sustain and enrich our local, national and global communities,
We honor and thank our Anselmian:
• First Responders
• Nurses and Doctors
• Mental Health practitioners
• Police and Fire personnel
• Scientists and researchers
• Teachers
• Front line workers
• Social Workers
Closer to our Hilltop home, we thank all those members of the community who came together to ensure that we were safe and able to keep our students on campus. In particular we thank:
• The COVID Response Team
• The dedicated members of College Health Services
• The Faculty and Academic Affairs Staff
• The Student Services Staff
• The Residence Life, Dining and Physical Plant Staffs
Some people may wonder, why do it? Why spend the money, the time, the sleepless nights and the simple answer is: we are Anselmians. No matter what our work may be, we all contribute to the good of the community. We take care of one another and not only do we hold doors, we attempt to hold each other (virtually of course) in highest esteem.
I would be remiss if this tribute did not include our students. They have shown incredible stamina, resiliency and good humor. While it has not always been easy, our students have shown us that even in trying times people of diverse backgrounds and experiences can live together. Maybe that’s the great lesson and gift of 2020.
In the words of our College President, Dr. Joseph Favazza, “To be sure, these few months have tested the character and resolve of us all. Here at Saint Anselm, our students, faculty, staff and monastic community have passed the test with flying colors. We are emerging a stronger, smarter and more supportive community than ever before.”
Thanks to all these men and women, the mission of Saint Anselm College lives on.